Through God's Love and Light
Healing Carefulliy is Nurliyana Rahmat’s collection of writings in
her journey of seeking Allah’s love. She seeks redemption, hope,
guidance and light in her path towards Allah. This book will encompass the beginnings of her journey back to Allah, from letting go of her attachments to overcoming life’s challenges, embracing purpose and Allah’s plans for her. She intends to allow readers to seek healing through Allah throughout the hardships in life. Healing Carefulliy is a reminder for her first and foremost, that the path of Allah is not easy but is going to be
worth it.
1: The nature of this world is that it will disappoint you.
2: The best thing you can do for yourself is to love yourself.
3: Sometimes holding on does more harm than letting go.
4: It is an amazing feeling to love and be loved.
5: In remembrance of Allah do hearts find ease.
6: One of the best months to change is the month of Ramadan.
7: Isn’t it time to change?
8: Moving on.
9: Travel - not only outwardly, but inwardly too.
10: The difficulties in your life, they are not there to break you but to mend you.
Dimensions: 12.7cm x 20.32cm
Pages: 160
Author: Nurliyana Rahmat
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